Environmental Sustainability

At Columbus McKinnon, we know that environmental responsibility is something that our customers, employees and shareholders are passionate about, and so are we!
Our team is working hard at integrating sustainable practices and resource management throughout our company, globally. We're committed to evaluating our operational impact as it relates to greenhouse gas emissions, energy usage, natural resources and waste to landfill.
Caring for the Environment Globally & Locally
We take our role as a corporate environmental steward seriously. We understand the importance of driving sustainability at an enterprise level and are developing enterprise targets and initiatives that will have a lasting impact for generations to come.
Our employees are equally enthusiastic about supporting environmental initiatives, leading to the development of Green Teams at each of our global locations. Our Green Teams are made up of local site volunteers who idenitfy opportunities to increase efficiencies as their workplaces and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Columbus McKinnon + Wind Energy Industry
We're proud our products and training help those in the green energy industry, specifically for wind energy. We enjoy being a partner in creating a better, safer and cleaner environment for us all to enjoy.