Intelligent Steel Handling Equipment and Motion Control Solutions for the Steelmaking Industry

Intelligent motion solutions build safety right into the steel handling equipment, systems, and processes running in the steel mill, helping you keep operators safe and better informed of system status, equipment life, and so much more. We understand the need to work smarter and are committed to developing solutions to help you do just that.
Start The Conversation About Increasing Safety, Uptime, and Productivity In Your Facility Today
From steel production to distribution, our innovative steel lifting technology helps increase your safety, uptime, and productivity.
Programming, monitoring, and maintaining magnet crane controls are essential to the safety of operators and equipment as multiple magnets sort materials side by side. As a result, it is imperative that your magnet cranes operate at maximum capacity with minimal maintenance and downtime.
Columbus McKinnon’s portfolio of distance detection and collision avoidance systems prevent crane-to-crane and crane-to-end-stop collisions – which is particularly important when multiple ladle cranes pass by one another or near other equipment.
Drive Support and Diagnostic Tools allow operators to efficiently program, monitor and troubleshoot multiple drives from a remote location outside the hazardous environment. As one-to-one links between the operator and crane, drive diagnostic tools supply critical information such as run, alarm, and fault history; drive trending data; and data analysis.
While in the furnace, impurities called slag float to the surface of the liquid steel. Slag pots located below the scrap bucket collect and channel slag away from the steel. Requiring minimal to no human interaction, fully automated systems perform pre-determined repeatable processes, allowing operators to stay focused on their primary duties instead of attending to multiple concurrent activities while keeping them out of hazardous environments. This helps minimize production backups while enhancing safety and efficiency.
Built for reliability and performance, our electric chain hoists and wire rope hoists are ideal pieces of steel plate handling equipment for your lifting and positioning needs within the steel mill, and they can be easily configured to meet exact application needs.
When it is time to repair or replace components, versatile jib cranes are the ideal solution for areas where adequate headroom and structural support do not exist. Utilizing enclosed track aluminum monorails, jib cranes are offered with a variety of options to best fit application needs.
Featured Product
WATCH: Introduction to IMPULSE®·G+/VG+ Series 5 Variable Frequency Drives
New Magnetek-brand IMPULSE Series 5 Variable Frequency Drives are designed to serve as the intelligent foundation for overhead cranes and hoist systems. This recorded webinar provides a detailed look at the new IMPULSE·G+/VG+ Series 5 VFDs and their proper application for overhead cranes.
This webinar covers:
- Introduction of IMPULSE·G+/VG+ Series 5
- Comparison to IMPULSE·G+/VG+ Series 4
- Improvement Highlights
- New Features
- Available Accessories
- Upcoming Product Updates
- Documentation & Resources