CM Cyclone is Hoist of Choice for Chimney Construction Project
Construction | Hoisting & Lifting | By Gisela Clark | Jun 01, 2019
At Columbus McKinnon, we always enjoy seeing how our products are used in the industries we serve. So when this application photo (above) from a construction site featuring our products crossed our path, we had to share it. This photo shows 70 of our CM Cyclone hand chain hoists being used for the construction of a reinforced concrete chimney in South Carolina.
The project, completed by Commonwealth Dynamics for Santee Cooper’s Winyah Station, involved a jumpform method of construction that utilized CM Cyclones to lift concrete forms as each section of concrete was poured. Santee Cooper, South Carolina’s largest power producer, built the chimney for a wet flue gas desulphurization (Wet FGD) system. The chimney, which took more than 16 months to complete, measures 407 ft. tall and is 60 ft. in diameter.
Why was the CM Cyclone the best choice for this project?
The Cyclone, which is made in America, is ideal for long lift applications with complex hoist configurations. As you can see from the photo, the chimney construction did not involve a typical hoist set up, but instead required numerous hoists in various positions and angles to lift concrete in a uniform manner.
The CM Cyclone is also built for heavy usage and high-efficiency operation, which this project required, as well as applications that require easy inspection and low maintenance. The Cyclone is part of our comprehensive portfolio of manual hoists that include the CM Hurricane 360 and the CM Bandit ratchet lever hoist.
Cyclone Training
If you are interested in learning more about our Cyclone hand chain hoist, take a look at our recent Safety Webinar featuring maintenance tips for our CM Cyclone & 640 Puller. The webinar walks you through setting a load limiter on the CM Cyclone and retrofitting and setting a load limiter on the CM 640 Puller.
This webinar will teach you how a Load Limiter works, how to set the Load Limiter in a CM Cyclone and how to retrofit a Load Limiter in a CM 640 Puller.