Marine Terminal

Your one-stop source for cost-effective marine terminal crane applications.


Columbus McKinnon is a premier provider of innovative power control solutions and expertise for port agency and marine terminals. Our state-of-the-art products, plus our extensive application engineering experience, make our products the ideal complete control solution for marine terminal and on-shore applications in corrosive or saltwater environments. We can provide complete motion control packages, including products such as Mondel Brakes, IMPULSE® AC Digital Drives, OmniPulse™ DC Digital Controls, Drive Support and Diagnostic Tools, Complete Control Panels, Cable Reels, I-Beam Festoon Systems, Radio Remote Controls, and much more. 

Pfaff-silberblau screw jacks and drives for bridge construction

Last year saw the start of a major construction project in Kazakhstan designed to establish the ferry terminal in Kuryk on the shores of the Caspian Sea as the hub for the transhipment-free transportation of goods to Europe. Columbus McKinnon Engineered Products, working closely on this construction site with the local company in St. Petersburg/Russia, is now fitting the two giant loading bridges out each with 24 Pfaff-silberblau special screw jacks SHE 150.1 in addition to 48 special gear motors and, in doing so, is creating the technical basis that will allow entire freight trains to quickly drive in and out of the ferries before the end of the year.

2017 PR01 Kuryk Bild1a

Brands Serving the Marine Terminal Industry

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A premier provider of innovative power control solutions to the material handling industry, Columbus McKinnon brings its expertise to the control of marine terminals. Our state-of-the-art products, plus our extensive application engineering experience, make us the ideal complete control system provider.

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As the largest shipbuilding company in the United States, Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) needs to be at the top of their game to effectively build the most advanced ships in the world. This includes keeping their overhead and gantry crane equipment running at the most efficient levels.

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Efficient Automated Cranes Maximize Boat Storage

An automated dry dock boat storage system utilizing an overhead bridge crane. The facility accommodates 125 boats up to 52 feet in length. The automated crane eliminates the need for fork trucks to store and retrieve boats. While fork trucks emit soot and grease which gets on the boats and can damage the hulls, the automated bridge crane operates quietly and cleanly, which is good for the residential community in which it resides.


Pfaff-silberblau - product overview lifting and motion technology

We are technology leaders in components and system solutions for mechanical motion and lifting technology.

Our product portfolio includes #screwjacks, #linearmotion, #liftingcolumns, #liftingtables, #electric and #manuel #wireropewinches, #screws, #nuts, #bevelgear boxes and #accessories.

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